27 January 2011

Bola and Alex: Love and the city - Pt 1

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale ~ Anonymous

Wow...take that rewind it back! Way back to this glorious fall day in Oct 2010! This is one blog post that has taken me a minute to share. Maybe because the couple is so special not only to me, but to every single person that was involved in the wedding; and I wondered the best way to present their story. Each time I contemplated it, I realized, there are really just no words and so boy am I glad that there are photos.

They had a lovely New York City fall wedding and yours truly was handed the honor of covering the story. Bola and Alex what can I say? Thank you so much for letting me share some of your joy and document your lovely New York City Wedding (that was the theme of the day and my was it really an NYC wedding - you'll see more and why in Pt Deux of this wonderful day!). I wish you love and joy and peace and unity all your days.

Here is the first part showing the behind the scenes of the bride and groom before the ceremony. I had help with this one. My darling friend Oby was assistant for the day. You can see her in one of the photos, adjusting the dress! Great job girl and thanks for saving a life that day!



  1. Great job Yinka!! Noiceee

  2. Yinka......Excellente! Great work!

  3. oh yea..i see the effort you put into this post! Beautiful job. Love how the flowers popped and the shots were very sharp. Nice work.

  4. Thanks man! This was one wedding dear to my heart!

